Monday, May 8, 2017

Final Challenge

Design Challenge Blog Post Steps for an individual project development grade with critique and reflection.....


  1. Post a jpeg of the design challenge that you developed
  2. Post a jpeg of the design challenge that your classmate adjusted of your work
  3. Label each image with "Design Challenge" and "Edited Design Challenge"
  4. In a reflection answer the following questions below (number each question)
  • What was your process or thoughts while developing your own piece? Why did you choose certain colors, fonts, images, etc?
  • How do you think your piece turned out? Was it successful? Did you finish in time and get everything on there that you needed?
  • After seeing the work that your peer edited, do you think the piece got stronger or did it just become different? 
  • Which piece do you think is the more successful of the two?
  • When you look at the one that you think is the most successful,  did it address the 4 design principles? Contrast (can you see everything well), Proximity (are items relating to one another grouped together like text), Alignment (is text aligned on the page when necessary), and Repetition (are certain aspects like shape and color repeated within the design)
  • Did you like switching projects to see how a classmate edited your piece? Would you like to do this again in the future?
Post to blog

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