Monday, November 28, 2016

11/28 In Class Assignment

Assignment: F Block
This is to be done in class. I am going to check it off in PowerSchool today. If you do not do it it is a zero. No Makeups. 

EU: Working and Designing with your type is just as important as designing with images. Successfully combining the two makes up "Graphic Design."


  1. Read the following article and create a blog post entitled "Type Hierarchy" with this criteria.....   Why Every Design Needs Three Levels of Type Hierarchy
  2. Summarize (in one paragraph) the key components of type hierarchy as stated in the article
  3. List the copy (or wording) that will be included in your Concert Poster Design so that you are ready to divide it up into 3 levels as the article stated to be placed within your overall design. 

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