's the start of the year, you have a blog, now what? Now is the perfect time to start figuring out this whole graphic arts thing. For your first assignment I want you to follow steps 1-4 below and upload this to your blog for your 1st entry.

- Read the following blog post about Design Trends. Click on this link 10 Brilliant Graphic Design Trends of 2016 to get started.
- Choose the top three you that you like the most and start a blog entry entitled "2016 Design Trends". In that blog entry I want you to list the three that you were most drawn to and tell me in a brief summary why you like them. I want you to start getting use to critiquing work using design vocabulary rather than "I like" and "its cool" here. Elaborate on your thoughts while using proper grammar!
- Along with your top pics I want you to practice saving and uploading and image to go along with it from the site. This way you are learning how to create a blog post, add an image, and critique artwork all at once while also letting me see your personal style a bit when it comes to designing.
- Lastly, I want you to write a short paragraph telling me about what you might like to do in graphics this year and what your interests and hobbies are. For example, do you like hands on projects that you can design and build? Would you like to focus on Photoshop? Do you want to try to get into animation? Do you love dance, sports, music, etc? Anything you write here helps me to develop new projects for the year and focus on what you guys like to do! (it also helps me see if you are strong at following directions through reading and visually).